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The right way to Have Sex on Your Period

Having sex on your own period doesn’t have to be untidy, risky, or perhaps painful. It has actually secure, pleasurable and fun should you know how to do it right!

During your period, you’re almost certainly dealing with a complete host of hormonal changes, cramps, bloating, hot or chilled flashes and even more. But while your body is getting rid of a huge amount of tissue, it may be also open to more sexual activity than ever before.

It’s a waste that many girls avoid sexual activity the moment they’re very own periods, especially if they feel like they haven’t acquired any sexual activation for a while. Although sex on your period is definitely entirely fine as long as you and your spouse are both in the mood to have it.

How to Have Sex on Your Period: 1 . Prepare yourself

Whether you’re having oral or penetrative sex, definitely alert your lover to the fact that you happen to be on your period. That way, they can decide if they want to proceed with oral sex or perhaps insert a tampon, explained OB/GYN Jessica Shepherd, MD, who all writes a monthly newsletter called “Sex With Emily”.

2 . Use A Dental Dam

If you’re undertaking an blow jobs session, a dental dam is a small plastic square that the partner holds between their tongue and your sex organs. This will reduce the risk of contracting STIs and coming into exposure to period blood, explained Fernando Mariz, MD, an OB/GYN at Manhattan The female Health and Wellness.

3. Work with Menstrual Dvds

A menstrual hard drive is a flexible tampon-like equipment that sits bigger up with your vagina, nearer to the vaginal fornix. It’s a safer alternative to tampons and doesn’t leave weakling discolorations on your linens.